
Self Help Group and Self Employment


The Self Help Group & Self Employment Section is a very important section of the District Administration and plays a pivotal role. This section provide skill Development support to unemployed youth as well as members of the Self Help Groups with a view to increase entrepreneurship, livelihood potential and wage employment opportunities.

Administrative Hierarchy:

  1. District Magistrate
  2. Additional District Magistrate
  3. District Officer SHG & SE
  4. Upper Division Clerk
  5. Group C Clerk
  6. Group D Staff

Schemes :

  1. District Sabala Mela,
  2. Convergence Project (Linkage between SHGs and other line departments),
  3. Arrange Skill Development Training for unemployed Youth & SHGs,
  4. JAAGO Project ( Financial assistance to every SHG Rs. 5000/- p.a),
  5. Any other project which is developed by the Dept.


: shgse[dot]uttar[at]gmail[dot]com